17th Annual Graduate Conference in Political Theory
April 25-26, 2025
Wooten Hall 301, Princeton University
The 17th Princeton University Graduate Conference in Political Theory will be held from Friday, April 25 to Saturday, April 26, 2025.
The conference offers graduate students a unique opportunity to present and receive feedback on works in progress. Each session focuses exclusively on one paper. After receiving feedback from a Princeton graduate student discussant, each author will engage in an extensive question and answer period with Princeton faculty, students, and guests.
The conference also features a keynote address from a distinguished scholar. Previous keynote speakers include Alexander Gourevitch, Katrina Forrester, Alan Ryan, David Estlund, Sharon Krause, Patchen Markell, Elisabeth Ellis, Jill Frank, Bryan Garsten, Hélène Landemore, Alison McQueen, Corey Robin, Daniela Cammack, and Madhav Khosla.
We are delighted to announce that Professor Elena Gambino (Rutgers University) will deliver the 2025 keynote address.
Conference attendance is free and open to the extended Princeton community and affiliates of neighboring institutions. A link to conference papers will be sent to all registrants.
The conference is generously supported by the University Center for Human Values and the Department of Politics.